Organic Farming

Today, the Marathwada  farmers are committing suicides on one hand and on other hand  the world,  is suffering from the health issues arising out of consumption of food having traces of chemicals and pesticides used in farms .

The farmer is stuck into  a vicious cycle , of chemical farming .

The 4 reasons behind the farmer suicides in India  are

  1. Uncertainty of climate in recent times .
  2. Sky high prices of seeds , fertilizers and chemicals
  3. Unavailability of proper finance, which leads to the trap of money lenders
  4. The market price of the farm produce is not in the hands of poor farmers .

Cow had been the backbone of the Farm economy in India .

We have trained more than 1000 farmers in practicing Indian cow based , natural,  organic farming ,who are producing and supplying chemical free Natural, Organic farm produce to the neighboring towns.


Cow Based Natural Organic Farming

Initiatives in Punegaon Village

In order to monitor the organic practices and also to generate a record/trail, we motivated the farmers to click “geo-tagged” photos and videos from their mobile phones. In the following images you can observe the same.

A “Pakshi Thamba” (Bird Stopper). Birds sit on this to hunt for pests
Eucalyptus Oil Treatment
Young Amar Preparing “Jivamrut”
Buutermilk Treatment